Monday, August 11

Making my harnesses

I will add pictures of all the booties and harness I have made later to show my pontential skill or lack there of LOL

here is the desgin I will follow with my hareness only I will add extra padding and reflective tape

Recreational Sledding Harness

Materials needed:

1" nylon webbing (about 4 yards)
Polyester fleece (1/2 to 1 yard)
polyester thread, dental floss or woven fishing line
1/4" solid braid nylon rope, 12-18"
For best results, pin all joints at first to allow for adjustments as you move around the dog. A dog who stands still or a helper to hold him while you work is great.

Start by folding the web right in the middle of the length at the angle shown above. You should sew this with just enough room for your nylon rope to fit through. This goes right at the base of the dog's tail. Lay each side of the web along the dogs flanks and rib cage as shown in the illustration. Cross them under the front legs for 3-4", pinning them with safety pins. The neck needs to be snug, but remember to leave room for padding. The shoulder straps should lie just above the shoulder blades and cross again at the base of the neck. Let them continue to the pieces of web on the dog's ribs. They should join right about at the bottom of the rib cage.

The backstrap can be a piece of web that is there simply to keep the harness from pulling down over the dog's rump. You can to an 'X' variation, as seen in most commercial harnesses these days.

Padding the harness- measure from the joint at the base of the neck, under the legs and to the arm pits. Add at least 6". This is how much fleece you need to cut, about 10" wide. Fold it in a flat spiral about 2" wide and 4-5 layers thick (this depends on the thickness of the fleece you have, make sure it's padded thickly to prevent the straps from digging into his shoulders). Sew this tube down the center to hold it in place when you attatch it to the harness. Follow the straps as you attatch to the harness, sewing each edge of the web to the padding. You might want to cut a pice out where the straps overlap at the breastbone, but it's up to you.


The breast strap should start at the breastbone and extend back to behind the elbow.
Pull on the shoulder straps (top and bottom) must be even.
Make sure the sides of the harness don't pull up under the arms. The rubbing will make it so the dog won't want to pull.
Run the nylon cord through the space you left at the tail of the harness. Tie it in a strong knot (I use a fisherman's eye) You need this loop for the gangline to attach to the harness.
Congratulations! You just made a racing harness!

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