Thursday, August 14

sewing and sewing and sewing

so I guess I am at the point where I am trying to get all my harnesses made and the booties done. I have started onthe booties and have made about 10 so far. I need 96 manditory for the race but I am making double that because I have to get the dogs used to waering them. I have tried in the past but not really inforced the rule not to eat them :-) so now I have to try and get them all to leave tem alone and run with them.

so I will make extras knwoing I will loose some along the way only the training ones will not have velcro I will just use tape that way if I do loose them I will not be out too much money. the harness material I wanted to use I have run out of I tried to find some online for a decent price but in the silver color I am having some issues. so I have switched to black. boring coloor I know but I know I can always get it in that color.

so I now have 5 harnesses made I am repairing the 10 harnesses that the dogs chewed last year and still using them to train in they do not look great but still work.but I am all about the color scheme and they do not match LOL. oh well a harness is a harness and as long as it works that is the main thing,

I have smoe more reflector tape ordered and she said about 3 weeks to get it in. so they will have to be without for a bit. I am goignt o add extra padding and reflector tape to my other harnesses as well just in case I need to use them and it will add safety to my team in training.

I have some how misplaced my cable crimpers somewhere and so I am lookign for them I think I may have put them in storage. but I will need some more lines done for fall training. I want to use my main line only a couple of times to make sure all is good and then put them away for the season. sight now I have a line of 24 dogs. I want to make up more sections so I can hook up 2 teams of 20 dogs so I can train the whole 2 teams at once.

my daughter is old enough now to train with me or at least drive the quad behind me. I will try and get her a team of the tour dogs that way she does not have too many issues trying to keep them under control.

so I still have a huge list of things I have to do
-fix my trailer to add another axel to it
-build a additional 8 dog box
-sand down and repaint the old one
-make 18 gangline section
-finsh harenesses
-finsh booties
-make a sled bag
-make my training treats
-find some fur over mitts I can borrow

and the list goes on LOL

so I am not going to book in many tours this year as I have done in the past I am focusing on training for the race an will use the tours as a means to try and make some money to cover all of the cost with racing.

it is getting close to raining and I am rushing cause i am a bit behind but if I keep up the pace I am going I should have all of it done in time.

so I guess that is it for me today I have to take the girls to the dentist and run aorund getting a few things so I will try and blog tonight or tommorrow

till then I guess :-)

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